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March 1, 2021
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Senior Health & Wellness

Knowing When to Ask For Help

We are tenacious beings. Knowing when to ask for help is important. We build habits, structures and calendars. We follow schedules. And it’s true, admit it, we become uncomfortable when things change. Yet we know change is inevitable…and so is the aging process. Who hasn’t heard the expression, “Getting old is a b*tch…but it beats the alternative.” So how can we manage this inevitable aging thing as we await The Alternative? How can we look the aging process in the eye and stare it down? Easy! We can do it with help.

Asking for help is not a demonstration of weakness. It is a demonstration of tremendous strength. It is us, showing our willingness to overcome any obstacle. Remember that tenacity? It’s in our DNA. Read an interesting topic which is long term care insurance.

When you can’t mow your own lawn you call a gardener. Similarly, for cleaning your own pool, you call a pool guy. For styling your own hair you go to a salon or barber shop. Getting professional help is something we do all the time. And rightly so.

When Old Age makes it scary or unsafe to bathe or shower our first inclination is to call our spouse, daughter, or a loved one. But everyone doesn’t have a spouse, or a daughter. Who will help you now? The answer is to get professional help—and hire a trained caregiver. Golden Age Companions are trained in shower and bath safety. They are discreet, respectful, know the right way to help and transform a scary and potentially unsafe activity into the pleasant and refreshing experience.

Remember it is a demonstration of strength to ask for help when you need it. Redirect your naturally tenacious spirit toward becoming a wise and adaptable aging person. No one will criticize you for advocating for your own needs, but it will be mighty embarrassing to allow some misdirected pride to leave you splayed out and shivering on the bathroom floor because you were too stubborn to ask for the help you rightly need.

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